Authors |
Malyshev Aleksey Alekseevich, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of marketing and economics, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (28 Germana Titova street, Penza, Russia),
Inyusheva Yuliya Nikolaevna, Sales group expert, FortLine company (5a Rentgena street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Extensive growth in demand for fitness services in Russia and Penza region due to popularization of healthy lifestyle, physical beauty of the body in the recent past is an incentive to intensification of marketing activities by sports service enterprises. The purpose of the article is to analyze the market of fitnessservices and to identify trends in its development in Russia and the Penza region.
Materials and methods. In the course of the study the authors set the following tasks: to analyze the market of fitness-services in Russia and Penza region, to identify trends in its development; to study consumer preferences in fitness-services. To solve the problems the researchers applied the following methods: collection of secondary and primary data (questionnaire), SWOT-analysis. The authors also collected and processed statistical data, publications, reports of foreign and Russian research and consulting firms, information-analytical portals. The study is based on the concept of G. Watson’s concepts, which include reciprocity; analogy; measurement and reliability. The next component of the methodology is the principles of marketing in the fitness-industry, which generally represent the concept of socioethical marketing. These concepts in conjunction with the developed procedure contribute to the basic tasks.
Results. The paper presents the analysis of main indicators of the Russian market of fitness-services, namely, the offer and demand for fitness-services (market capacity, growth rate, key players, market segmentation, etc.), as well as the current state of the market in the Penza region (including consumers’ characteristics and identification of consumption motives of this type of services), and main trends of its development.
Conclusions. The authors revealed the main development trends of fitnessservices in Russia and Penza region: positive dynamics in the average of 20 to 30 % due to the increase in the level of income of the population; increase of the demand for fitness-services over the past few years, as the culture of consumption has changed, it has become fashionable to live a healthy lifestyle; the share of private fitness-clubs is growing (65 % of the total number); fitness-clubs are opening in business and shopping centers; high price segment; interest in fitness by the elderly.
References |
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